Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog Post #2

1. After watching the movie Mr. Dancealot I will start by saying that this is a perfect example of a teacher who does not know what they are doing! He did so many things wrong in this video, and I am glad I have never had a teacher like this. I believe the central message for this video is that especially in a dance class, students need to be able to get up and practice in class. Because practice is the only way to get better at something. Also, I imagine it would have made it a lot easier on the students if they could actually see what he was doing with his feet, rather than him standing behind the barrier! This is made obvious by the reactions from the students in the video. It was time for the exam, which was for them to dance together as pairs for the first, and they had no idea what to do! I agree with this message, and it was very entertaining and humorous to watch.

2. After watching the video Teaching in the 21st Century by Kevin Roberts(John Strange version), Roberts feels that to teach in the 21st century one needs to be aware of the technology, and be able to incorporate that technology in activities to keep the students involved and interested. A lot of ideas were shared throughout this video, but being involved and having creativity/uniqueness were a few characteristics that stood out to me. I agree with this 100%. If students are able to put their own characteristics in something, and put part of their views and likes, they would be more likely to enjoy whatever the assignment is they are doing. I also liked the format of this video very much, it was very easy on the eyes. Since there is so much going on in the video and so many things are changing, it keeps the viewers engaged. I will remember this for when I become a teacher, and will try to incorporate something like this for my potential students.

3. After I watched the video The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler my first reaction was that it was very artsy and had a lot of great information. This student that was being described in the video was doing things much similar to our EDM310 class, he is making blogs for others all around the world to comment on his intellectual opinions. I did not know that through iTunes U one can find videos of lectures and different things of teachers from different universities. This seems like a wonderful tool that would be very helpful for many students! Also, when he presents the question why would one need a professor? He states that professors are definitely necessary and help to show the students how to use the sites they are using, answer questions when they are stuck, show them how to do things on the internet, and give them the resources and guidance to contact more professor to obtain even more knowledge!

4. I believe the thesis to the video Harness Your Students'Digital Smarts is the fact that having students learn things on their own, and broadening their thinking process is a wonderful thing. When their teacher said that most teachers have the mind set that they need to know everything about everything before they come a teacher, and that is not the right mind set they should have. She shared that she learns new things from her students almost everyday, she believes that she should not have to define all the terms to her students and tell them what they need to do. She said the best way for them to figure things out is to look them up, and figure it out for themselves so they can use that knowledge to share it with the rest of the class.

5. My first reaction to the video Flipping the Classroom was that it is great that they are trying to make changes and better their programs with the students best interests involved. With that being said, I think realistically most students will find excuses for not watching the videos outside of class, and they will see this as something extra like homework they need to do. For young children they might think why would I do this while I could be playing/ or watching T.V. Also this is something that has to be done on a computer, not every household has computers for their children to use. She did address this with saying the students without computer access could watch these videos at school on the computers. When more and more students do not watch these videos it will eat into the set classroom time because they will all be watching the instructional videos, which was what the teacher was trying to pull from in the first place. I think this was a great idea, and I hope this works for the school! I personally would not use this system for the above reasons, but it will work for some people and that is great!


  1. "With that being said, I think realistically most students will find excuses for not watching the videos outside of class, and they will see this as something extra like homework they need to do." The idea behind the videos is that students can work at their own pace. If students only need to watch once then they can but if a student does not understand they can watch multiply times to try and understand. This helps to not cut into classroom time because students can be challenged at their individual level in that particular subject.

    Engaging students is important in today's classroom and much of this is done through the use of technology. The idea is that students are not handed everything and to continue on the path of "burp back education" but create student that learn and can use the information as they continue in life.

    Be sure to include alt and title modifiers on all pictures. Please include working links in every blog post.

    Overall, good job!

  2. Jordan,
    I so agree with what you said about students needing instruction directly from a teacher. I firmly believe that teaching children face-to-face is the best way to ensure that they are learning everything they need to learn. It is so easy to get confused about exactly what a teacher may be expecting from you if your only "interaction" is between one another via your personal computers. I feel like there are so many things that could go wrong if technology is too incorporated into the classroom-ie: internet crashes out of the teacher's control, students not watching the assigned videos or doing the work assigned online, and wasting valuable class time trying to explain the things that some students may not have watched or picked up on at home. I love technology for myself, but I'm a grown woman, who's in college, and I have a legitimate need for it; however, a first grade has no need for a Facebook crash course or a instructional video about the use of Picasa.
    The only thing I noticed that you need to watch out for is in the #4 video paragraph you typed "come" instead of "become". Happens to me all the time, just watch out for small typos! Have a great day!
    Catherine Stalvey
