Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blog #6

What is personal learning networks? Or PLN.

PLN consists of different networks for both teachers and students to share ideas and needed tools constructed to help him or her. One of the great thing about PLN is that one can design this for their needs and create whatever it is that will further help them throughout their career. Even after watching these videos I can tell there is still so much more I can and need to learn about this subject. I am excited to have this technology provided for me when I start to establish my teaching career. This is a subject I am very interested in learning more about, and even more interested in using one day! My professor Dr. Strange has definitely helped us with this because he has introduced us to the C4T blogs we are doing, which introduces us to different teachers and gives us the opportunity to see what they are doing and most of them provide either positive or negative feedback they have learned from their trial and error. Without even realizing it, I have already started using some sort of PLN cite with Pinterest. On this app it allows people around the entire world add things to boards of interest whether it is apparel, food, or teaching ideas. This is a very useful tool I have discovered, and I cannot wait to find out more cites like this along the way that will help me in my career! With doing this, I will try my best to share my findings along the way to help more people in their careers as well! Here is a very fun, and informative video I found on YouTube about personal learning networks, I hope you enjoy!


  1. Hi Jordan, yes there are lot we can still learn about using technology. Especially how it can be used to help us out within our career field. PLN's is a neat tool we can use to connect with other teachers around the world and learn things from them, such as different teaching techniques. I really enjoyed reading your post.

  2. I like the video you found. I will add it to the assignment for the summer semester.
